Money Back Guarantee

We understand that as a sales leader, you have many tools at your disposal for sales improvement. Your time and budget are precious, so you want to invest in options that deliver results. 

That's why Outbound guarantees results, or your money back.

If you've fully implemented The Outbound Game for 30 days and haven't seen at least the 200% increase in your team's activity levels that we're known for, don't fret! We stand by our promise to drive results, and you can confidently request a refund if needed.

Fully implemented means:

Your games have been created with 4-7 KPI actions set; your rewards store has been filled with fully personalised rewards (set at a budget adequate to entice the team) and your team has been advised that it's voluntary to play, and that opting out is a choice they have.

It's simple:

At initial setup, we'll get an estimated guage on your current activity levels across the team. At the end of your first 30 days, we will compare those numbers to your new results. If there hasn't been at least a 200% increase in sales activity, a full refund is all yours.

We'll walk you through the intuitive and straightforward setup of your first sprint. We're in your corner to run your team through how the platform works, how it's used to drive their activity levels and how to set up a rewards store that truly inspires action.

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